Research on landscape design of high density residential area based on alleviating space oppression
ID:136 Submission ID:59 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-23 21:15:09 Hits:822 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2022-05-27 18:14 (Asia/Shanghai)


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Using SPSS statistical method and mental health theory, this paper studies the impact of spatial oppression on Residents' mental health in high-density residential areas in China. From the three aspects of mental health theory, sustainable development theory and high-density residential area theory, this paper makes a systematic and complete quantitative analysis on the cognition of high-density residential area residents to alleviate spatial oppression. The factors to alleviate space oppression include green plants, ground pavement, building facade and waterscape. Four high-density residential areas with different slopes in Xuzhou were taken from five different angles, and finally 20 photos were obtained. Using PS technology to integrate 20 photos with four elements, collect data through questionnaire survey, and classify and count the data with SPSS software. Finally, the residents' aesthetic preference for these four elements and the preference to alleviate psychological pressure are obtained. From the perspective of spatial oppression, this paper puts forward the problem of alleviating the psychological health of residents, so that the proposition of spatial oppression is no longer limited to single buildings and commercial buildings, which can help residents in high-density residential areas have a better experience in the interior of the residential area, and provide new ideas and guidance for the internal environmental landscape design of high-density residential areas.
Guohua LIU
学生 China University of Mining and Technology

Submission Author
国华 刘 中国矿业大学
昂 姬 中国矿业大学
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