Forecasting methane content along the depth of Mao Khe Coal Mine using experimental data analysis
ID:146 Submission ID:104 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-18 09:45:38 Hits:872 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2022-05-26 16:05 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S6] Occupational Safety and Health » [S6-1] Occupational Safety and Health-1

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The paper analyzes the danger of methane (CH4) and realizes the classification for coal mines of the Quang Ninh coal basin of Vietnam according to the methane category of Vietnam's safety standards for coal and shale mining. The relative methane emission and the relation between coal seam methane content and its change with depth at the Mao Khe coal mine are estimated. Using experimental data analysis to determine methane content at different mining depths and yield a set of equations which reflect the relation between methane content and coal seam depth, serve to predict the variability of methane content with the depth at the Mao Khe coal mine.
methane hazard, relative methane emission, degassing, explosion of methane-air mixtures, Mao Khe coal mine
Thang Pham Duc
Head of Science tech Quang Ninh University of Industry

Submission Author
Thang Pham Duc Quang Ninh University of Industry
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