Laboratory simulation in developing the swampy forest system for passive treatment of acid mine drainage
ID:192 Submission ID:350 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-26 13:20:03 Hits:835 Invited speech

Start Time:2022-05-26 17:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S2] Environmental Science and Engineering » [S2-1] Theme 1 & 2

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Coal mining that applies open pit method has potential to generate acid mine drainage. Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) treatment has been processed to mitigate by enormous challenges including active treatment of high costs with process uncertainty and passive treatment with its limitation. The new concept of Swampy Forest system is the development of passive treatment for AMD by lower costs, higher capacity, and a natural process to mitigate the AMD that has been generated. The laboratory simulation experiment has been carried out to obtain the basic data of the swampy forest system treatment. The basic references data those will be determined on this study including the total volume of water, the water debt flows into the swampy forest scale laboratory system and the retention time are obtained to change the parameter values that do not meet the quality standards to meet the quality standards according to the applicable regulation. The AMD swampy forest treatment design in pilot project at field of treatment apply the scale up of the basic data of simulation laboratory experiment result.
acid mine drainage, threshold value, swampy forest system
Ihsan Noor
University of Lambung Mangkurat; Indonesia

Submission Author
Ihsan Noor Faculty of Engineering;Mining Study Program; University of Lambung Mangkurat; Indonesia
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