Foliar uptake and transport of airborne trace metals bounded on fly ash in wheat seedling (LX-99)
Submission ID:219 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2022-04-18 13:48:24 Hits:398
Oral Presentation
Deposition of fly ash (FA) emitted from coal-fired electricity has been recognized as an important trace metals (Cu, Cr, Pb and Zn) source for crops growing in overlapped areas of farmland and coal resources. Adverse effects of high concentrated FA trace metals on crop growth have been observed, while limited research has been focused on trace metals uptake by plant leaves from FA. Trace metals stress on wheat seedlings (LX-99) with and without FA exposure were studied and results show that trace metals deposition with FA decreases seedling size and mass significantly. Chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll contents in seedlings with highest FA stressed decreased 17.3, 18.8 and 17.4% compared to blank and the Rubisco and GAPHD activity decreased 37.1 and 6.6% respectively. Pb content in leaves and roots, Cu and Zn in leaves and Cr in roots increased with FA deposition while no significant difference appeared in Cu and Zn in root and Cr in leaves. C Cr, Cu, Zn and Pb in FA are mainly existed in hydrochloric acid extraction with few water-soluble forms and liposoluble form. More than 60% of Cr, Zn and Pb in underground part and aboveground part were hydrochloric acid extract and debris states, Cu in seedling of wheat was extracted by ethanol and deionized water form. The evaluation results of trace metal activity showed that Cr, Zn and Pb have low activity in wheat seedling, while Cu has high activity according to the results of trace metals fractions in plant.
wheat seedlings, foliar uptake, transportation, trace metal fractions
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