Study on the contribution of ecological resources to ecotourism economy and sustainable development
ID:209 Submission ID:153 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-26 13:17:33 Hits:862 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2022-05-27 11:05 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S2] Environmental Science and Engineering » [S2-2] Theme 3 & 4

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In order to explore the sustainable development model of ecological resources in ecotourism economy, taking Taihu Lake ecotourism economic belt as the research subject, adding water quality regulation factors on the basis of traditional ecological value accounting, and combined with Cobb Douglas (C-D) production function, the contribution and contribution rate of ecological resources in the process of ecotourism economic development are calculated. The results show that: (1) In the process of eco-tourism economic development, ecological resources have a great output effect on the economy at the initial stage of eco-tourism construction; (2) The economic loss caused by the reduction of ecological resources is greater than the benefit brought by the restoration of ecological environment; (3) The relative value of ecological resources with positive value should be considered when developing ecotourism economy; (4) The superior ecological resources required by the economic development of ecotourism need the support of supporting capital investment and labor investment. The contribution rate of capital investment and ecological resources investment is maintained at about 50%, which can maximize the use of resources.
ecological resources,tourism economy,production function,factor contribution rate,sustainable development
Rong LI
Nanjing University

Submission Author
蓉 李 南京大学工程管理学院
莎 陶 南京大学工程管理学院
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