Review of Energy Efficient Truck Haulage Options using Battery-Trolley Systems
Submission ID:193 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2022-05-13 15:11:48
Oral Presentation
Truck haulage takes up the majority of the total energy consumption in open-pit mines. Facing the global decarbonisation upgrading of hauling systems, it is critical to examine the factors that contribute to the energy-efficiency of truck haulage, such as payload, rolling resistance and operators. Among the emerging technological options developed to reduce energy consumption for lower carbon footprint mining systems, innovative trolley-assist technology presents a promising one. From its application cases, trolley-assist has demonstrated great potential for emission reduction, although some teething problems are also encountered. With continuous improvement efforts, the problems have been gradually resolved. Battery technology advancements are shaping the evolvement of trolley-assist from diesel-battery hybrid truck based patterns towards purely electrified battery truck based ones. Battery-trolley is novel and capable to achieve further significant emission cut for surface mining operations associated with safety, productivity and operational improvements. However, it faces challenges in automating the battery charging/swapping and dispatching of the trucks, which requires more research endeavours to get tackled. This article reviews the critical factors affecting energy efficiency of truck haulage, emerging technologies for improvements with trolley-assist being focused on, and gives a forecast over the future intelligent low-carbon electric truck hauling systems in open-pit mines.
Energy-Efficiency,Haulage Operations,Trolley-Assist,Battery-Trolley,Intelligent Open-Pit Mines
Submission Author
Haiming Bao
The University of Queensland
Peter Knights
The University of Queensland
Gaofeng Wang
China University of Mining and Technology
Mehmet Kizil
The University of Queensland
Micah Nehring
The University of Queensland
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