A Study on the Mechanisms of Moral Norm-Value Fit on Employees' Pro-Environmental Behavior ——The mediating role of anticipated emotion
ID:257 Submission ID:274 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-04-29 11:43:01 Hits:369 Oral Presentation

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Conflicts between culturally inherited moral norms and genetically evolved values in organizations pose challenges for employees to implement pro-environmental behaviors. This paper follows the research context of "moral norms and values fit – emotion – pro-environmental behavior", and uses dual-inheritance theory to explore the regular characteristics of employees' pro-environmental behavior in the context of organizational moral norms and employee moral values fit. Combining the results of the response surface: (1) With the higher fit between injunctive moral norms and moral values (IMN and MVs), the higher the anticipated emotion and pro-environmental behavior of employees; (2) Contexts in which high imperative moral norms and low moral values match (low IMN-high MVs), as injunctive moral norms gradually increase toward moral values, employees' anticipated emotion and pro-environmental behavior increase; (3) when injunctive moral norms exceed moral values and continue to increase (high IMN-low MVs), employees' anticipated emotion and pro-environmental behaviors will be inhibited; (4) low descriptive moral norms (DMN) have a negative moderating effect on this process. This paper aims to provide valuable theoretical and managerial implications for related research and enterprises by studying the mechanism of employees' pro-environmental behavior through moral norms-value fit.
焕梅 皮

Submission Author
焕梅 皮 中国矿业大学
炜婷 许 中国矿业大学
慧 芦 中国矿业大学
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