Study on the evaluation system of the quality of slow walking spaces on university campuses
ID:271 Submission ID:346 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-12 15:15:31 Hits:829 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2022-05-27 10:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S3] Energy and Sustainable Green Development » [S3-2.2] Energy and Sustainable Green Development-2.2

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Abstract: With the continuous development of environmental construction, the concept of sustainable development has become the core of all kinds of urban planning and design. The transformation and improvement of slow walking space is of great significance to the sustainable development of university campuses. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the satisfaction of the quality of slow walking space on campus so as to clarify the direction and focus of planning and transformation.Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai is relatively well established in terms of the transformation of slow walking spaces.Therefore, this paper takes this campus as the research object and introduces the AVC three-force analysis theory to construct a spatial evaluation system for campus slow walking.The system consists of three project layers and  eighteen indicator layers, based on the hierarchical analysis method and the introduction of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to obtain a comprehensive score for the satisfaction of each factor.This study provides a quantitative basis for the construction of the evaluation system for the quality of slow walking space of Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai and a useful reference for the improvement of the slow walking space system in domestic universities.
AVC three-force analysis theory; analytic hierarchy process; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method;quality evaluation system for slow walking spaces
Junjie MA
Beijing Forestry University

Submission Author
俊杰 马 北京林业大学
浩扬 刘 北京林业大学
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