Challenges of Post-Mining and the Knowledge Transfer for the Chinese Hard Coal Mining Industry
ID:279 Submission ID:335 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-16 15:45:17 Hits:882 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2022-05-27 15:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S3] Energy and Sustainable Green Development » [S3-3.1] Energy and Sustainable Green Development-3.1

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The global energy sector is currently facing immense upheaval. On the one hand, trends such as sustainability and climate change are continually rising; on the other hand, the production of carbon dioxide and the conditionally recyclable basis of many resources for power generation is a major problem. Therefore, energy policy is forced to be adaptable for the dynamic energy situation. In China, the potential of renewable energies has been recognized for years and a rapid integration into the existing energy mix has been undertaken. Nevertheless, hard coal is and remains the easiest way to provide a secure energy supply. The transition to a low carbon economy is therefore a balancing act and requires a holistic approach ranging from classic post-mining management such as dealing with the eternity tasks, to after-use potentials for closed mines, to the effects of structural change for employees in this sector. Hence, an adjustment of the political framework conditions of the partly strongly diverging starting positions of the different provinces is required for a successful and sustainable change. Meanwhile, in Germany, the coal industry already ended in 2018. Therefore, an efficient management of the post-mining heritage has long been necessary, and the Research Center of Post-Mining in the heart of the Ruhr region (Germany) is particularly dedicated to this. Through the sharing of German experiences with China in the field of post-mining, a transfer of knowledge can be created and value can be added.
Hard Coal Mining,Post-Mining,Transition,Ruhr Area,Management,After-use Potentials
Julia Tiganj
Research Associate Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola University

May 2022 - PhD Student at Faculty of East Asia at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
April 2020 - February 2022 - M.A. International Political Economy of East Asia at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
October 2016 - February 2020 - B.A. Economics & Politics of East Asia with Focus on Economics & China

Since July 2021 - Research Associate for the EU-Project POTENTIALS (Synergistic potentials of end-of-life coal mines and coal-fired power plants, along with closely related neighbouring industries: update and re-adoption of territorial just transition plans) at the Research Center of Post-Mining at THGA University Bochum, Germany
June 2020 - June 2021 - Research Associate in the field of Reactivation & Transition at the Research Center of Post-Mining at THGA University, Bochum

Submission Author
Julia Tiganj Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola University
Yuqiao Li Ruhr-University Bochum
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