Experimental investigation of temperature distribution in a short planar solid oxide fuel cell
ID:36 Submission ID:176 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-03-03 09:32:52 Hits:383 Oral Presentation

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Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) is a promising electricity generation device owing to its high efficiency, zero emission, fuel flexibility and so on. SOFC surface temperature distribution is a key parameter for SOFC stack design. There are many problems in the commercialization of SOFC, such as cost, durability, carbon deposition and so on, and the thermal stress induced by the uneven temperature distribution in the SOFC is an important factor that reduces the durability and performance of SOFC. In this study, a three-cell planar SOFC short stack is prepared and the temperature distribution in the middle cell is measured by thermal-couples embedded in the anode diffusion layer. In order to avoid of the influence of furnace, the tested SOFC stack is enfolded by a thick thermal insulation material. The results show that the temperature in the SOFC is much higher than the furnace temperature, implying that the effect of furnace on the fuel cell is neglectable. The temperature difference in the cell is not obvious, and the difference increases with the increase of operating current When the operating current is 18A, the maximum temperature difference in the cell is 8 °C, and when the operating current is 30A, the maximum temperature difference in the cell is increased to 14 °C.
solid oxide fuel cell, temperature measurement, temperature distribution
Xiaokun Zhang
China University of Mining and Technology;School of Low-carbon Energy and Power Engineering

Submission Author
Xiaokun Zhang China University of Mining and Technology;School of Low-carbon Energy and Power Engineering
Shuanglin Shen China University of Mining and Technology;School of Low-carbon Energy and Power Engineering
Xiaolin Zhuo China University of Mining and Technology;School of Low-carbon Energy and Power Engineering
Shaorong Wang China University of Mining and Technology;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology
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