Social aspects of smart grid development in Poland
ID:37 Submission ID:102 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-03-03 09:33:36 Hits:386 Oral Presentation

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The transition to energy clusters requires not only a purely technical reconfiguration of the power system, but also entails various social challenges. The purpose of the presentation is to indicate the social determinants of cluster energy and smart grid in Poland.

In the presentation we pay attention to the social dimension of creating a functional smart grid. In the report we also present the role of demonstration projects as arenas that set directions for future cluster configurations. we answer the following questions: ● What local power grid configurations are emerging from demonstration projects? ● What negotiations and disputes are taking place within these projects? ● What ideas about the future of such d networks are invoked and mobilised by different actors? ● What user roles are preferred in demonstration projects?

The theoretical inspiration that frames the work of our research team is SAF. Fligstein's approach is concerned with the emergence and change of orders of social life at the meso level - in our case, the change in the functioning of energy at the local scale. In our research we use discourse analysis, scenario interviews and field research conducted in four energy clusters in Poland.

Results and Conclusion
As part of the results we present possible paths for the development of energy clusters and recommendations for the development of cluster energy in Poland

The transition to energy clusters requires not only a purely technical reconfiguration of the power system, but also entails various social challenges. The purpose of the presentation is to indicate the social determinants of cluster energy and smart grid in Poland.

In the presentation we pay attention to the social dimension of creating a functional smart grid. In the report we also present the role of demonstration projects as arenas that set directions for future cluster configurations. we answer the following questions: ● What local power grid configurations are emerging from demonstration projects? ● What negotiations and disputes are taking place within these projects? ● What ideas about the future of such d networks are invoked and mobilised by different actors? ● What user roles are preferred in demonstration projects?

The theoretical inspiration that frames the work of our research team is SAF. Fligstein's approach is concerned with the emergence and change of orders of social life at the meso level - in our case, the change in the functioning of energy at the local scale. In our research we use discourse analysis, scenario interviews and field research conducted in four energy clusters in Poland.

Results and Conclusion
As part of the results we present possible paths for the development of energy clusters and recommendations for the development of cluster energy in Poland

smart grid, socio-technological changes, niches, heterogeneity of technologies
Jacek Gadecki
prof AGH UST

Submission Author
Jacek Gadecki AGH UST
Lukasz Afeltowicz AGH
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