Ultra-Wide Band for Underground Mine Positioning and Collision Avoidance
ID:396 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-13 15:07:35 Hits:946 Invited speech

Start Time:2022-05-26 16:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S5] Intelligent Equipment and Technology » [S5-1] Intelligent Equipment and Technology-1

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Due to the extremely wide band width, Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) can generate very sharp pulses which can be used to measure the range in centimetre level accuracy. Hence, UWB has been widely used for positioning systems, especially in indoor environments. Underground mine can be treated as a specific type of indoor environment, UWB system can find its applications. Collision avoidance is one of the top concerns in mining industry, but the existing systems based on infrared, ultrasonic, electromagnetic field etc. have not solved the problem, especially for underground mine. UWB has the potential to solve the problem.
Binghao LI
The University of New South Wales

Binghao Li is Senior Lecturer with the School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He has a BE in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University, and a ME in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University, China. He received his PhD in Surveying and Spatial Information Systems from UNSW. His research areas include indoor positioning, pedestrian navigation, satellite positioning and navigation and mine internet of things. He is the founder and leader of the MIoT & IPIN laboratory with UNSW and the steering committee member of the international IPIN conference

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