Modern trends in the development of the theory of strength of geomaterials and inverse problems of nonlinear geomechanics
ID:438 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-25 14:16:26 Hits:859 Invited speech

Start Time:2022-05-26 17:05 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S10] Resource Development and Utilization of Underground Space » [S10-1] Resource Development and Utilization of Underground Space-1

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Chanyshev Anvar Ismagilovich
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Mining named after N. A. Chinakal, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Chanyshev A.I.

  • Doctor of Physics and Mathematics;
  • Professor;
  • Chief researcher at the Institute of Mining SB RAS;
  • Member of the Academic Council and the Dissertation Council at the Institute of Mining SB RAS;
  • Professor of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.
The main areas of activity:
  • construction of a mathematical model of elastic-plastic deformation of rocks under simple and complex loading, taking into account the initial anisotropy, block structure, time factor;
  • construction of a mathematical model of inelastic deformation of initially anisotropic media, based on the use of intrinsic elastic tensors (new criteria of plasticity, deformed theory of plasticity, theory of plastic flow were constructed);
  • construction of a mathematical model of elasticity and plasticity of media (rocks) with different resistance under tension and compression, with two passport characteristics, one of which is a straight line, the other is a nonlinear dependence that does not depend on the type of loading;
  • construction of a mathematical model of zonal disintegration of rock mass around mine workings;
  • theory of out-of-limit deformation of rocks (he defined the fracture characteristics that coincide with the actually observed fracture surfaces).

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