Initiatives of AGH UST in the Field of Resources, Energy and Climate Policy of Poland and the EU
ID:450 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-19 17:18:11 Hits:991 Invited speech

Start Time:2022-05-26 09:40 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[P1] May 26, 8:30-12:00, Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session » [P1] Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech

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AGH UST is one of the biggest universities in Poland. It consists with 16 faculties and 3 scientific centers. AGH offers 66 courses of study on bachelor degree, 55 courses on master degree, with total number of over 21,000 students, includes nearly 900 students from abroad. Nearly 2,200 scholars work at AGH. 16 faculties join three fields of engineering: geosciences, technologies and basic technical and humanistic sciences.
Thanks to the wide scientific and educational offer till now AGH signed 283 cooperation agreements with world universities and over 500 Polish and foreign companies, being ranked high in worldwide university rankings. In 2019 AGH became the Research University, one of the ten only in Poland, getting extra funds for research and development.
As the research university eight Priority Research Areas were designed. Among them three - top listed:
Priority Research Area no 1 - Sustainable energy technologies, renewable sources of energy, energy storage, and resource management. Design, production, application, synergy, and process integration;
Priority Research Area no 2 - New technologies for the circular economy: merging business models with eco-innovations to improve productivity and minimize waste, as well as to create knowledge and use it;
Priority Research Area no 3 - Water-energy-climate: interdisciplinary approach to sustainable development.
So the current strategy of AGH UST includes research related to resources, energy and climate, taking into consideration policy of Poland and European Union.
Except for the regular research carry out at the different faculties, e.g. Faculty of Energy and Fuels, AGH has formed two research and education centers sacrificed to climate and energy: AGH Center of Energy and Centre of Sustainable Development and Conservation of Energy.
Nowadays AGH UST main tasks and targets in the field of energy and climate are as follows:
1.Testing and development of new CO2 capture technologies for the energy industry.
2.Development of new combustion technologies for the solid fuels to reduce the dust and CO2 emission.
3.Testing biomass, rural waste, and other types of waste as the ecological sources of energy with low gas emission.
4.Development of new efficient materials for power and electricity production, including batteries, vehiciles, cellar phones and others (hydrogen, semiconductors).
5.Analysis of the current situation regarding GHG emissions & RES installations and energy consumption. Making scenarios for GHG emission reduction in Poland.
6.Analysis, tests and prevention on PM 2,5 and PM10 pollution includes dust from an industry, landfills and agriculture.
7.Studies on geothermal energy use as a basis for low-emission heat generation and improvement of living conditions.
8. An assessment of the local potential of renewable energy and concepts of pilot projects such as energy clusters, energy cooperatives, virtual power plants and energy self-sufficient areas and energy sustainable cities.
AGH organizes post-graduate studies in the field of GHG emission reduction, the impact of climate change, renewable energy, energy efficiency & management, transport, reduction of pollution, improvement of efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture and forestry, circular economy, rationalization of water use and adaptation to climate change.
AGH UST serves for education, research and business. It is our mission.
Jerzy Lis
Professor Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology

Prof. Dr. Eng. Jerzy LIS, Full Member of the Polish Academy of Science and member of the World Academy of Ceramics, professor in materials science and chemical technology. Rector of the AGH UST for the tenure of 2020-2024.
His main research and application activities focus on Materials Science & Engineering in the field of ceramic materials for structural and functional applications in constructions for the machine-building, automotive, aviation, military, aerospace, electronics, and other industries. In research he is known mainly by works on advanced materials prepared by combustion synthesis SHS and Laser Manufacturing and traditional ceramics.
His scientific achievements contain 388 publications in journals and proceedings, more than 1250 citations in SCOPUS, over 180 presentations on conferences, 18 patents, managing of 15 R&D projects as well as international cooperation with academic and research centres in e.g. US, Russia, Germany, Japan, France or Spain.
He is the Honorary Fellow of European Ceramic Society and member of International Society of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, American Ceramic Society, Polish Ceramic Society, Polish Materials Society (its former president). He is also President of International Affairs Committee of Association of Academic Schools Rectors in Poland and Vice-President of Association of Polish Technical Universities Rectors.

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