Developments and Applications of Sensor-Based Sorting in Mining Industry: REE in case
ID:67 Submission ID:130 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-12 16:28:19 Hits:866 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2022-05-27 11:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S9] Clean Processing and Conversion of Energy Resources » [S9-2] Clean Processing and Conversion of Energy Resources-2

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With the rapid development of COLOR, XRF, XRT, laser induction, microwave and other sensor detection technologies, ore sorting technology based on advanced sensors has attracted great attention from well-known mining companies around the world. It is of great and positive significance to protect and reduce carbon in response to climate change. In this paper, by investigating more than a dozen international companies such as Tomra in Norway, Steinert in Germany, IMA Engineering in Finland, as well as Chinese companies such as Good Friends, Meiteng and Honest, it is found that although the current ore pre-concentration is still developing rapidly, it has basically formed a mature industrial chain with principles, methods, technologies, equipment, mine applications and effect evaluation. For some historical and market reasons, the United States and Japan don’t have any advantage in the field of ore separation. Meanwhile the Europe and Australia are relatively advanced in technology R&D as well as mining applications. Although Chinese companies started late, they have also developed rapidly. The recent emergence of sensor-based sorting technology for ore enrichment has proved itself effective in rare earth elements (REE) beneficiation. As for REEs, the application and quantitative evaluation of sensor-based sorting, particularly DEXRT are currently studied in Germany, Vietnam,Brazil, Canada and China. Thanks to the rapid development of artificial intelligence, sensor technology and big data, ore concentration technology based on advanced sensors is bound to usher in rapid development and large applications.
With the rapid development of COLOR, XRF, XRT, laser induction, microwave and other sensor detection technologies, ore sorting technology based on advanced sensors has attracted great attention from well-known mining companies around the world. It is of great and positive significance to protect and reduce carbon in response to climate change. In this paper, by investigating more than a dozen international companies such as Tomra in Norway, Steinert in Germany, IMA Engineering in Finland, as well as Chinese companies such as Good Friends, Meiteng and Honest, it is found that although the current ore pre-concentration is still developing rapidly, it has basically formed a mature industrial chain with principles, methods, technologies, equipment, mine applications and effect evaluation. For some historical and market reasons, the United States and Japan don’t have any advantage in the field of ore separation. Meanwhile the Europe and Australia are relatively advanced in technology R&D as well as mining applications. Although Chinese companies started late, they have also developed rapidly. The recent emergence of sensor-based sorting technology for ore enrichment has proved itself effective in rare earth elements (REE) beneficiation. As for REEs, the application and quantitative evaluation of sensor-based sorting, particularly DEXRT are currently studied in Germany, Vietnam,Brazil, Canada and China. Thanks to the rapid development of artificial intelligence, sensor technology and big data, ore concentration technology based on advanced sensors is bound to usher in rapid development and large applications.
sensor-based sorting, mining industry, rare earth elements, XRT, DEXRT
Xishun WU
International Mining Researching Center, CGS

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西顺 吴 中国地质调查局地学文献中心情报室
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