Bipolar Power Converter and Control of Switched Reluctance Generator System for Renewable Energy Storage
ID:7 Submission ID:33 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-18 15:12:54 Hits:859 Invited speech

Start Time:2022-05-26 16:20 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S4] Energy Science and Technology » [S4-1] Energy Science and Technology-1

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In order to better store renewable energy and better realize electromechanical energy conversion, a bipolar power converter and control of switched reluctance generator system is implemented. Compare the full bridge power converter with the asymmetric half-bridge power converter (AHBPC), this new strategy has several advantages including low cost, modularization, reduced number of switching pulses which consequently reduced the switching loss. This paper introduces two excitation modes of three-phase full-bridge power converter, three-phase three-beat mode and six-phase six-beat mode. The current path, power switching state and phase current direction of each excitation interval under the two excitation modes are described in this paper. The operation characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the two excitation modes are compared in this paper. The effectiveness of the corresponding control strategy is verified by simulation and experiments on a prototype SRG system.
Renewable energy, Switched reluctance generator (SRG), three-phase three-beat, six-phase six-beat, bipolar operation, three-phase full-bridge power converter.
Wenju YAN
Alternative Energy Vehicle Research Institute、China university of mining and technology

Submission Author
Hao Chen 中国矿业大学
fan yang 中国矿业大学
Daqing Zou Jiangsu Alternative Energy Vehicle Research Institute
Asghar Saqib Muhammad University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
Mademlis Christos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Antonopoulos Christos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Antonino Musolino University of Pisa
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