
Day 1,May. 26, 2022Thursday


Green and low-carbon technology for urban and rural construction-1@Green and low-carbon technology for urban and rural construction

2022-05-26 14:00 ~ 18:10

ZOOM Conference Enter meeting room

Session convener:雨朋 吴/美国诺丁汉大学良 孙/中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院

Timetable V18 Updated:2022-05-26 14:36:24

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Yupeng WU
14:00 14:40 40 435
Practice of Green Urban-Rural Construction in Jiangsu Province
Dawei LIU/Jiangsu Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department
Invited speech
14:40 15:20 40 479
15:20 15:30 10 480
15:30 16:10 40 481
16:10 16:30 20 360
16:30 16:50 20 436
16:50 17:10 20 413
17:10 17:30 20 367
Invited speech
17:30 17:50 20 364
Carbon Emissions of Campus Buildings Based on Machine Learning
Wei TIAN/Tianjin University of Science and Technology
Invited speech
17:50 18:10 20 361
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