Study on Health Risk Assessment and Remediation Technology of a Chromium Contaminated Site
编号:207 稿件编号:158 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-04-18 14:00:46 浏览:393次 张贴报告

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Chromium slags were left over from history in a chromium chemical enterprize.In order to remediate the chromium contaminated soils, the health risk assessment and indoor experiment were done. Through drilling and sampling, the chromium pollution status and spatial distribution characteristics were obtained. The maximum total chromium concentration is 5781 mg / kg, which seriously exceed the national standard. According to the technical guidelines for soil pollution risk assessment of construction land(HJ25.3-2019) ,the health risk was calculated. The results showed that the carcinogenic risk of Cr6 + reached the order of 10-4, the non carcinogenic hazard quotient of Cr6 + was 3.72, and the non carcinogenic hazard quotient of Cr3 + was 1.58.The chemical reduction stabilization technology was employed for remediation. Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate and calcium hydroxide were selected to carry out laboratory experiment. The experimental results showed that ferrous sulfate heptahydrate optimal dosage was 8% of soil mass ratio, and calcium hydroxide dosage was 1.5% of soil mass ratio.
chromium slag, health risk assessment, chemical reduction stabilization, ferrous sulfate, calcium hydroxide
汉湖 刘

汉湖 刘 中国矿业大学
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