Electrical energy production in EU and CO2 reduction – needs and possibilities
稿件编号:79 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2022-05-13 16:41:26
In recent years European Union together with among others Japan and South Korea, has developed the Green Deal strategy, which should transform Union into a climate-neutral region. EU wants to reach this aim in 2050. Until 2030 is going to reduce the CO2 emission by 55%. It requires massive investments in energy production, especially in these countries where the renewable energy sources are small, and according to the earlier EU assumptions for 2020 don’t exceed 20%.
The paper presents the structure of energy sources in European countries and the progress in their diversification in the light of the European Green Deal strategy in the last years. Even though electrical energy gives ca. 31% of CO2 emission in EU countries, its number according to some scenarios can grow even up to 10% until 2030, so new sources of energy will be needed. The paper shows the amount of CO2 emission for the different sources and how much carbon dioxide is emitted by individual countries. It paid attention for the carbon emission tax, which artificially increase the costs of energy production. It is a political tool in zero-emission strategy, but its open market value does not reflect the yearly policy of EU members. Taking into consideration the geological resources of fuels and technical possible investments, the paper shows the real possibilities of the change of energy production structure in the EU till 2030 and estimated associated costs.
Eu energy policy,climate-neutral region,CO2 emission,energy source change possibilities,carbon emission tax,European Green Deal strategy
Krzysztof Kogut
AGH University of Science and Technology
Piotr Malkowski
AGH University of Science and Technology