Advanced nowcasting technology for remote sensing
稿件编号:357 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2022-05-26 13:51:32
The technology of the Geoinformation Monitoring System (GIMS-technology) model combines the methodology and algorithms of mathematical modeling with ground-based and remote sensing observations of the environment. Links are developed between experiments, algorithms and models of environmental processes and subsystems for the implementation of effective operational control and diagnosis of the environment.
GIMS functions include:
-acquisition and accumulation of in-situ and remote sensing data and their analysis with the subsequent subject processing,
-systematic monitoring and assessment of the environment,
-evaluation and synthesis of knowledge about the atmosphere, soil-plant cover, and aquatic medium change,
-predetermination of diagnostic forecasting of environmental change under anthropogenic forcing,
-analysis of trends in environmental processes when anthropogenic scenarios are implemented,
-identification of causes of ecological disturbances and warning of risks.
The aim of this work is twofold:
1) To present a working methodology for the combined use of modeling technology and microwave remote sensing measurements in the assessment of environmental processes and the dynamics of biosphere subsystems.
2) To illustrate this methodology with computer calculations of the global change dynamics for the different scenarios.
GIMS-technology, observations, environment, data processing, scenarios, anthropogenic forcing
Yong Xue
Costas Varotsos
Univeristy of Athens