Challenges and Technological Advances with Deep Block and Panel Caving Mining Operations
稿件编号:197 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2022-05-13 10:39:51
Climate emergency is forcing global economies to switch to renewable energies, and electrification plays a critical role in accomplishing such a transition. Copper, which is the most important electric mineral, will be in high demands over the next decades. Underground caving mining operations have been contributing a large trunk of primary copper production. With depletion of shallower and richer resources, the block and panel caving operations are progressing to deeper and lower grade ores with massive caves and large footprints to maintain production levels. As getting deeper, the challenges, such as rock bursts, weak and fractured rock mass, fine fragmentation, high in-situ and induced stresses, air blasts, uncertainties over loss and dilution, and seismicity, which the mines had in the past, will only be incremented. This article examines the risks associated with the deepening super caves with specific field cases being reviewed; the existing measures to address the problems are also summarized through examining the best practices; last but not least, technological research endeavors needed to realize safe, efficient and economic deep block and panel caving operations are proposed.
deep mining,panel caving,caving,underground mining,challenges,cave mines,rock burst,high stress
Eduardo Cordova
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
高峰 王