Potassium Prussian Blue Cathode for Potassium-Ion Full-Cells
编号:373 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-05-20 10:29:04 浏览:966次 口头报告

报告开始:2022年05月26日 17:40 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S7] Mineral Materials and Advanced Energy Materials » [S7-1] Mineral Materials and Advanced Energy Materials-1


Potassium Prussian Blue (KPB) have been investigated as promising cathode materials for potassium-ion batteries. Herein, dual stabilization strategy of structure of KPB particles and cathode/electrolyte interface is reported to enhance the capacity and electrochemical stability. The structure of KPB is stabilized through inhibiting nucleation and slowing growth by addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dipotassium salt during co-precipitation, which can enlarge the particle size. Meanwhile, stabilizing the cathode/electrolyte interface via changing potassium hexafluorophosphate to potassium bis (fluorosulfonyl) imide (KFSI) electrolyte can further reduce side reactions to boost the coulombic efficiency of KPB cathode. To demonstrate its practical use, KPB//graphite full-cell device is successfully constructed, exhibiting the capacity up to 102.4 mAh g−1 at 0.1 A g−1, high-rate (40.4 mAh g−1 at 1.5 A g−1) and superior cyclic stability (88% capacity retention from cycle 25 to 400 at 1 A g−1). This work provides a synergetic engineering strategy to realize the powerful application of high-performance potassium-ion full-cell devices in energy storage.
potassium-ion batteries;full-cell;cathode materials;Prussian blue;interface
Yechao LIN
China University of Mining and Technology

Yechao Lin, male, born in February 2000, is a 2018 undergraduate majoring in material science and Engineering in the school of materials and physics of China University of Mining and Technology. At present, he has recommended for admission to Zhejiang University. As the first author, he has published a SCI paper entitled "Dual stabilization in potassium Prussian Blue and cathode/electrolyte interface enables advanced potassium-ion full-cells" in the international academic journal 《Journal of college and Interface Science》(JCR1 area, IF = 8.128), and as the second author, published a SCI paper entitled " Synergistic Regulation of Low-defects Manganese Hexacyanoferrates with Stable Electrode/Electrolyte Interface for Enhancing Electrochemical Potassium Storage Performance" in the international academic journal 《Applied Surface Science》(First district of Chinese Academy of Sciences, IF = 6.707).

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