Low-carbon cities are in the center of the discussion about sustainable urbanization worldwide. However, the transition towards smart eco-cities is not at all easy, and it cannot simply be achieved by constructing new urban neighborhoods according to modern design standards. In fact, the transition towards more sustainable low-carbon cities can only be successful if we find ways to combine environmentally friendly and economically viable technological solutions with innovative appropriate urban design concepts. Such concepts have to respect the human scale, encourage the emergence of socially integrated neighborhoods, and provide options for a better quality of life in urban areas. Germany is among the countries, which have started early to gather experience with the change of energy systems and the transition towards low-carbon cities. We will share and discuss some experiences in this presentation.
The presentation will cover the following issues:
- First, an overview of the ongoing international and national discussion about low-carbon cities is given. The major fields of action as well as challenges to manage the respective transition processes are discussed.
- Second, challenges and opportunities of the transition towards low-carbon cities are dealt with. Good practice examples from Germany with a focus on technical solutions and procedural arrangements are presented.
- Third, perspectives regarding the transition towards low-carbon cities are discussed. They include recommendations concerning necessary future actions concerning practice and research.