Research status of the coal mine robot and its development
ID:393 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-05-20 15:25:56 Hits:952 Invited speech

Start Time:2022-05-26 14:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S5] Intelligent Equipment and Technology » [S5-1] Intelligent Equipment and Technology-1

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Of those working in the coal mining industry, more than 60% of them are in hazardous and heavy-duty positions in China. The coal mining industry is the most urgent need to carry out a large-scale "machine replacement of human" high-risk industries. China's coal mine robot research and development started late, the earliest to achieve a breakthrough in the development of coal mine rescue detection robot. In recent years, the development of various types of coal mine inspection robots and robots for coal mining, excavation and transportation is more mature. With the in-depth research on coal mine robots, the application of key technologies such as complex mechanism design, autonomous environment perception, autonomous learning and control operations, and special design in coal mine environments has made coal mine robots more and more adaptable and reliable. In the future, coal mine robots will continue to develop in the direction of intelligent information fusion of multi-sensor, multi-robot collaborative work, as well as intelligence, miniaturization and modularity.
Wenliang PEI
Citic HIC Kaicheng Intelligence

裴文良,男,1975年7月生,毕业于中国矿业大学机电一体化专业,硕士研究生学历,教授级高级工程师,国家能源局首批煤矿智能化专家、河北省政府特殊津贴专家,唐山市市管优秀专家。现任中信重工开诚智能装备有限公司总经理兼总工程师。国家级企业技术中心负责人,“危险环境智能特种机器人” 国家地方联合共建工程研究中心负责人。 长期致力于煤矿智能装备、特种机器人的设计、研发及技术管理工作,国家级企业技术中心煤矿智能装备、特种机器人方向领军人才,2016年获河北省技术中心优秀管理者荣誉称号。作为主研人员参与过多项国家级火炬计划项目与国家重大研发项目,参与主研的“矿用巡检机器人”项目达到国际先进水平,获2017年度河北省科学技术进步奖二等奖,主持的“防爆消防机器人”项目技术成果达到国际先进水平,获2019年度河北省科学技术进步奖二等奖,其中的RXR-200BD消防灭火侦察机器人还荣获2020年国家工业设计奖金奖,参与主研的危险环境巡检机器人技术成果达到国际先进水平,并获2021年度河北省科学技术进步奖三等奖。
在我国煤矿从业人员中,从事危险繁重岗位人员占比在60%以上,是目前最迫切需要开展大范围“机器换人”的高危行业。 我国煤矿机器人的研发起步较晚,最早以煤矿救援探测机器人研发实现突破,近年来较成熟的是各类煤矿巡检机器人和采、掘、运等作业机器人。随着对煤矿机器人的深入研究,复杂的机构设计、自主环境感知、自主学习与控制作业以及煤矿环境下的特殊设计等关键技术的应用,使得煤矿机器人的适应性和可靠性越来越强。未来,煤矿机器人将在多传感器信息智能融合、多机器人协同作业以及智能化、小型化、模块化等方向不断发展。

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