
Day 1,May. 26, 2022Thursday


Theme 1 & 2@Environmental Science and Engineering

2022-05-26 13:50 ~ 18:05

ZOOM Conference Enter meeting room

Session convener:振琪 胡/中国矿业大学环测学院

Timetable V35 Updated:2022-05-26 13:54:14

Start End Duration ID Title
13:50 14:00 10 Opening Speech(Nanshan ZHENG, Zhenqi HU/School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology)
Theme 1: Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration
Moderator: Zhenqi HU,Qixing ZHOU
14:00 14:30 30 422
Monitoring the efficiency of reclamation of depleted coal deposits
Maria А. Pashkevich/Saint Petersburg Mining University
Invited speech
14:30 15:00 30 423
Invited speech
15:00 15:20 20 315
15:20 15:35 15 455
Toxicity of heavy metals and detoxification of sulfate in crops in mining areas
Xin XIAO/China University of Mining and Technology
Oral Presentation
15:35 15:50 15 196
15:50 16:00 10 Break
Theme 2: Environmental Chemistry and Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources
Moderator: Lizhang WANG,Mindong BAI
16:00 16:30 30 424
16:30 17:00 30 489
Isotope effects as analytical probes to decipher dehalogenation mechanisms
Agnieszka Dybala-Defratyka/Lodz University of Technology
Invited speech
17:00 17:20 20 192
Invited speech
17:20 17:30 10 205
Oral Presentation
17:30 17:40 10 445
17:40 17:50 10 220
Investigation on the bubbling behavior in the flat sheet membrane reactor (FSMBR)
Haiqiang YANG/East China University of Science and Technology
Oral Presentation
17:50 18:00 10 387
Oral Presentation
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