
Day 1,May. 26, 2022Thursday


Energy and Sustainable Green Development-1@Energy and Sustainable Green Development

2022-05-26 14:00 ~ 17:10

ZOOM Conference Enter meeting room

Session convener:敏俊 石/浙江大学刚 刘/南丹麦大学新宇 王/中国矿业大学常 江/中国矿业大学

Timetable V24 Updated:2022-05-24 09:36:55

Start End Duration ID Title
Moderator: Xinyu WANG,Jiang CHANG
14:00 14:10 10 Opening Ceremony
14:10 14:40 30 378
Invited speech
14:40 15:10 30 379
Invited speech
15:10 15:40 30 380
Analysis on the evolution and effects of sustainable development policy of resource-based cities in China
Wenzhong ZHANG/Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research,CAS
Invited speech
15:40 16:10 30 381
Invited speech
16:10 16:40 30 382
Sustainable Rural Design
Zurui LIN/China University of Mining and Technology
Invited speech
16:40 17:10 30 383
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